

The information furnished on this website is for informational purposes only. The information does not and should not be considered to constitute an offer to buy or sell securities. The information should not be relied upon by any person to make an investment decision. Past returns do not predict future returns.


Founded in 2020, Divergent Asset Management LLC (DAM) is an asset management firm headquartered in New York City. DAM is the investment adviser for Divergent Global Events Fund LP, our flagship investment fund centered on events-driven strategies. We believe in forming long term partnerships with our investors, and in conservative growth.


Our alpha derives from anticipating and taking advantage of the price impacts caused by market players trading with uneconomic objectives. We trade index rebalances, corporate actions, and macro events in equity markets around the world. We hold a market neutral and highly diversified equities portfolio that turns over with medium frequency. We believe in a hybrid model of fundamentally driven idea with clearly articulated rules that allow for systematic execution and backtest validation.

  • Driven by Rationale
  • We adopt a rationale-driven instead of black-box approach in looking for alpha. A strong rationale ensures our edge is explainable, and is the best guard against overfitting. It also allows us to detect regime changes in a timely fashion that might render our signals obsolete.
  • Validated by Data
  • Most reasonable ideas are not profitable the market. Empirical evidence is crucial in validating investment thesis. All our trade ideas are rigorously tested in and out of sample with historical data in our backtest engine.

  • Systematic
  • We focus on repeatable events that allow us to bet again and again on the same idea. This allows us to formulate clearly articulated rules on how to trade them, and enforce discipline in following those rules.


Chief Investment Officer - Mr. Bill Pang came to Divergent after working as a portfolio manager at Millennium Management for a number of years. Prior to Millennium, he worked for Bridgewater and Goldman Sachs in various trading & research roles. Bill graduated from Princeton University '12 magna cum laude with a degree in Electrical Engineering.


People are the cornerstone of our business. Our philosophy is in empowering and enabling those who work with us. We are constantly looking for driven and talented individuals to join our team! If you are interested in one of the openings below, please email us your resume to be considered. We are an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or nationality.

  • Analyst
  • Education Bachelor's or equivalent
  • Work Experience 2+ years, ideally index background
  • Skills Excel, Bloomberg, passion for markets
  • Job Spec Analyze index events, perform manual deep dive, conduct alpha research incl. index rebalance predictions

  • Quant Researcher
  • Education Bachelor's or equivalent
  • Work Experience 1+ year in quantitative fields
  • Skills SQL, programming, statistics
  • Job Spec Assist with backtesting of non-index strategies, improve research platform and infrastructure, investigate new datasets, propose & manage original trading strategies
  • Technologist
  • Education Bachelor's or equivalent in CS
  • Work Experience some IT experience preferred
  • Skills computer networks, system admin
  • Job Spec Set up, improve, and maintain firm systems such as databases, trading and MO processes, network storage


477 Madison Ave, 6th Fl, New York, NY 10022

(917) 951 - 9734
